Daily Schedule
School Hours
All students
Start Time: 8:25 am
Dismissal: 2:45 pm
Wednesday Dismissal: 1:45 pm
Check Out Procedures
Parents this is just a reminder, per SJCSD Policy:
If the person requesting the release of the student is a person other than a parent or guardian listed on the emergency contact form, we shall not release the student without the consent of the parent or guardian who is listed on the emergency contact form.
Reporting Absences
To report your child’s absence from school please use the link located here: Submit Absence
Office Hours
School office hours are 7:55 am-3:45 pm Monday -Friday.
Dismissal Changes
Dismissal changes & Early Checkouts must be completed by 2:00 PM (M ,T, TH, F) and by 1:00 PM (W). All changes should be in writing. Please send changes to CES [email protected]
Your respect for our dismissal policy helps maintain safety and security as we complete attendance/dismissal change/check-out reports accurately before students prepare for and move to their dismissal stations. It is often very difficult to locate students or get them ready to leave early during the last minutes prior to dismissal bell. Teachers and students are completing lessons, packing up, or on the move to dismissal stations.
Thank you for your understanding and compliance as we work together for all students’ scholastic success!
Upcoming Events
March 24: Start of 4th Nine Weeks
March 25: Quarter 3 PAW Party for 4th and 5th Grades
- PTO Spirit Night at Chipotle from 5-9 pm
March 26: Volunteer Breakfast at 9 am
March 27: Quarter 3 PAW Party for 2nd and 3rd Grades
- Report Cards
- Cougars with Character for PK, K, & 1st grades
March 28: SJCSD Battle of the Books at 9 am
- Quarter 3 PAW Party for Kindergarten and 1st Grades
- PBIS Store
- Cougars with Characters for 2nd through 5th Grades
April 1: FAST Writing Test for 5th Grade
April 2: PTO Buddy-a-thon Stuffing Day
April 3: School Librarian Day
- FAST Writing Test for 4th Grade
- Visual and Performing Arts Night @ 5:30 pm
April 28: Applications for PTO positions due

Head Start
St. Johns County School District Head Start provides a free pre-school program and comprehensive health and social services to eligible three- and four-year-old children and their families living in St. Johns County. Head Start is for income eligible families, proof of income is required.
School News
Releasing Students from School
Bus Stop Safety
The Transportation Department has asked that we publicize the Guide to a Safe and Efficient Bus Stop.
Free Meal Provision
For the 2023-2024 school year, John A. Crookshank Elementary will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision. This means all students can be served breakfast and lunch for no charge. For more information, please view the official notification.
Math & Reading
How I can impact my child’s math and reading? Check out the PowerPoint, Academics and Me: How can I impact my child’s math and reading? for helpful links and information on how to help your child at home.
Student Records
If you need to request student records from John A. Crookshank Elementary, you can now fax your request to (904) 547-7835.
School District News
"Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future" Virtual Discussion on April 2
Please join us on April 2, 2025, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future: SafeTrak Program, CARD Safety Kits for Families, & Diamond of Dreams Initiative." This informative session is designed for parents of students with disabilities. Learn about key programs and resources aimed at enhancing safety and inclusion for your child.
Helpful Links
Links for Parents
- SJCSD Health Services
- 2024-25 Elementary Choice Letter
- PTO Webpage
- 2024-2025 School Safety
- Economic Security Report
- 2024-2025 Sheriff Hardwick Letter
- 2024-2025 District Master Calendar
- Reporting Bullying
- CES Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2024-2025
- Parent Resource Guide
- 2024 Letterhead – Food and Photo
- CES Student and Parent Handbook 24-25
- 2024-2025 Code of Conduct Letter
- 2023-2024 Class Size Amendment Letter
- 2024-25 Required Instruction Elementary Parent Letter
- School Report Card
School District Information
Student Information & Links
FortifyFL App
FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or getfortifyfl.com.
Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.
School Access
In a continuing effort to provide safety and security to our students and staff we ask that you complete a School Access Form if you plan to enter a facility in the St. Johns County School District. This includes if you would like to participate in activities such as birthday parties for your child in their classroom, eating lunch with your child in the cafeteria, field trips, book fairs, field days, as well as readers, tutors, mentors, etc. It can take 4-6 weeks for the process to be complete. Start the process today.
If you are having trouble accessing the online form from home, our office is open from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Come and see us to start the process for access to our school.